Monday, December 26, 2011

Twas the Day after Christmas...

Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,
Nothing but little creatures were stirring, much louder than a mouse,
The stockings were still hung, along with the lights and the tree,
No telling how long I'll procrastinate taking those down, but a while knowing me.

The children arose about 2 hours earlier from their beds,
The result of a plethora of new toys and all the sugar we'd stuffed in their heads,
Mommy in her jammies, cuddled in the blankets around her in wrap,
It was 5:00 a.m and already we were both ready for a nap.

When downstairs we heard screaming and such a clatter,
That I had to hop out of bed and go see what was the matter,
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but the remains of an epic clash, with the battle lines clear.

"That is mine" "He hit me" "He broke it" "Stop it" were the proclamations of the day,
Peace on earth, goodwill towards men, those concepts had all faded away,
For the presents had been opened and the labeling tags were in the trash,
Each one free game, primed for an ownership clash.

After the ruckus, after the parenting is implemented, and after a hug or two,
The boys started dancing, laughing, and give me those smiles and their light was shining through,
And I'm reminded of still having a reason to celebrate, great kids, and an amazing wife,
So Merry Christmas to all, Happy New Year next week, and to all a good life.

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