Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Am I Thirsty Yet?

Water for Water 2013: Day One

Don't let the title fool you, I'm not going to write a blog about every day of 2013.  If I can achieve my monthly goal about the process it will be a huge achievement.  If I can make it all 365 days only drinking water, the total donation to Living Water will be....drum roll please (doesn't seem as effective when written)...$10.68 per day! That is $3,901.70 for the year.  I am amazed by the generosity that poured in with the pledges.  That money will provide clean water to people that don't have it.  It's that simple.

It is hard to put the next year in perspective after having only been awake for a couple of hours.  I don't have any caffeine shakes (yet...).   I haven't thought about how nice a glass of iced tea would be with a New Year's Day cheeseburger for lunch.  Don't usually have a glass of milk with breakfast, so didn't really miss that.  I guess the question I'm asking myself is, am I really thirsty?

On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stood up and cried out "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'".  John 7:37-38.  Christ was referencing Isaiah 12 when the prophet was proclaiming that with thanks and joy we draw water from the wells of salvation.  So, am I thirsty?  Do I draw from the waters of salvation with thanks and joy? That appears to be a prerequisite for coming to Christ to drink.

My life is so "comfortable" that, sadly, I don't always realize my utter dependence on Christ and my complete need for a Savior.  Its easy to fall into the delusion that I am not thirsty.  There are lots of other "drink substitutes" but they don't fill me up.  Only when I focus on the God of the universe do I realize how truly thirsty I am.  This year I am going to focus on drinking the Living Water and not fool myself into believing that all of the other drink substitutes could ever quench my thirst.  Secondarily, the donations will be one example of living waters flowing from my heart.  I'm excited to discover what the other examples are.

So....let the journey begin.  Happy New Year everyone.

P.S. It isn't too late to partner with me for the year.  Even though the matching deadline has passed, you could still pledge a daily amount and see the number above grow.  You can email a pledge to w4w2013@gmail.com

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