I told everyone in Facebook land that there wasn't any reason that 2013 couldn't be the best year of their life and I also applied that challenge to myself. 2013 started off with an amazing "flow" for me. The donations and pledges were flowing in and the total raised for Water for Water for the year was growing so fast. I was in the Word every day. I prayed for so many people so often. God was working through me as a husband, father and employee. However, May felt like the low point of the ebb, or decline, of excitement and energy in so many areas of my life. But I was never discouraged...
Instead, I realized that now is when I continue preparations to finish strong. We all want to finish strong, but we have to prepare for it. When I was training for my first marathon back in 2004, I would tell myself on my long training runs "today is the day I finish the New York Marathon". The rationale was that engaging in the long training runs, and they were hard, prepared me to finish the race when the day came. And I did.
Frankly, if I allowed this current lull to continue, then in November or December, if I were to catch up on my "Bible in a Year" plan, pray an hour more everyday, and receive $20,000 in donations, well, I think I would be selling the experience short and not be experiencing the height of God's blessing. Now is the time I prepare to finish strong. It's not the sprint at the end, but the perseverance in the hard times that makes finishing strong even possible and allows us to experience the full blessing of the race.
I don't think I have ever quoted The Voice (the Bible translation, not the TV show) in any sermon, lesson or blog, but I think the phrases it uses are applicable to this point, when we look at how it recounts Romans chapter 5:3-5:
We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance,which shapes our characters. When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness. And hope will never fail to satisfy our deepest need because the Holy Spirit that was given to us has flooded our hearts with God’s love.
Giving up all drinks but water for a year is hardly suffering, but the words ring true in my heart right now. If you are having a hard time, if you are experiencing suffering or difficult uncertainty, I pray that you are encouraged by the certainty of the future experience of God's goodness. God is going to give clean water to those in need. And that is good. God is going to restore this earth through His Son. And that is good. And when that perfect day comes, we will forever experience a flood of love that has no ebb.