[pyoor-i-tee] Show IPA
the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, pollutes, etc.: the purity of drinking water.
I don't want to get accused of plagiarism, so I'll tell you that was cut and pasted exactly from www.dictionary.com. "The purity of drinking water". Ironic for this blog given the content for 2013. It's the word that has been on my heart this month. Most people hear the word "purity" and they immediately relate it to sexual purity. While that is true, it applies to so much more. So much more...
So I have noticed a lot of beverages this month. I know it sounds weird. Sitting across the table from someone with a soda. Watching a girl walking around with her 1/3 decaf caramel macchiato long pour extra hot with 2 shots of hazelnut. Watching my kids gulp down buckets of milk. I have continually thought, you know its just not water. It is water+. Water is its base but so much has been added to it. I realized that water has moved from a leftover drink ("well, if you don't have anything else, I guess water is ok") to my only choice.
What if my whole life, more than just what I drink, had a condition or quality of being pure and was free from anything that would debase contaminate or pollute it? What if Christ moved from a leftover part of my life to my only choice, my only selection?
He who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king as his friend.
-Proverbs 22:11
Not just "a" king. Not just "any" king. "The" king. When we love purity (and by loving purity I mean pursuing it, desiring it and accepting nothing but it) we end up keeping pretty good company. When we remove all pollutants from our heart, body and mind (yes all three) our faith is sincere. That is where my mind has lingered this month. The beauty and the simplicity of water. It's all I have but its all I need. It's the same with Christ. If He is all you have, you have everything you need.
Total raised to date - $6,221.30.